08/19/2024 Performance Notes

Global financial markets posted mixed performance through mid-August as weakening US employment data precipitated a historical spike in financial market volatility driven by steep intra-month losses concentrated in Technology equities. Japanese & US technology equities led early-month losses with a historic decline, though by mid-month, declines had been pared; other US equity indices posted gains through mid-August following early-month losses. Interest rates declined on flight to quality, and from expectations of near-term US rate cuts, the US dollar fell against most currencies. Commodities also posted mixed performance, with gains in Natural Gas & Aluminum offset by weakness in Oil & Platinum.

Hedge Funds posted gains through mid-August with the HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index declining -0.37%.

  • HFRX Relative Value Index gained +0.43%
  • HFRX Event Driven Index gained +0.09%
  • HFRX Equity Hedge Index declined -0.51%
  • HFRX Macro Index declined -2.24% for the month.

Comments reference performance figures as of August 15th, 2024