Access HFR Index Constituents
Delve deeper into HFR’s leading hedge fund indices with the HFR Database. Along with providing performance information on more than 300 indices — including the HFRI Indices, HRFX Indices, HFRU Indices, and Blockchain Indices — the HFR Database also includes constituent data of more than 150 indices.

Go Further With HFR Data
The HFR Database provides robust data that is the foundation of actionable insights, from identifying target assets and analyzing relative performance to understanding hedge fund industry asset flows and assessing market risk.
Timely Performance Updates
The vast majority of funds submitting their data to HFR update monthly.
Detailed Strategy Classification System
HFR’s strategy classification is designed to evolve with industry trends.
Downloadable Fund Statistics
Use HFR’s filtering functionality to easily export data as needed.
Decades of Comprehensive Data
HFR’s databases cover the most important years of the industry’s development to date.
Other HFR Database Options
Want to Learn More About HFR Indices, Data and Analysis?
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